Britney Posed Completely Naked On The Beach For Her Instagram (UPDATE - She Can't Stop Won't Stop)

Do yourself a favor and click that little arrow on the right of that Instagram embed. 

Ms. Spears just continues to up the ante as to how risque she's willing to get for her social followers.

And I don't hear any objections.

p.s. - was thinking. What would your 13-year-old self have said if somebody told you that in 20-25 years there would be these portable phones in everybody's possession, coupled with this application where people posted pictures of themselves, and that Britney Spears, (then the biggest celeb in the world, and pretty much any red-blooded male's undisputed #1) would be posting full nudes to it with nothing but emoji's? (wtf is an emoji? shut up nerd and listen)

You'd think this was cruel and unusual torture right? No way, no how that would ever happen.

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Giphy Images.

The best we had at the time was this epic Rolling Stone issue.

and this one

and staking out MTV every hour on the hour waiting for this video to drop

and this one

and this one

But it's happening. Somehow, some way, it's happening.

Giphy Images.

2022. What a time to be alive.

Giphy Images.

----- UPDATE -----

She is on a tear! 

(the Paris Hilton "that's hot" comment on this has my brain in a 2001 mind fuck right now)

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